Everything you need for your caravan or motorhome

Planning to make the most of summertime sunshine and warmer weather?

With an estimated 755,000 touring caravans and motorhomes regularly in use in the UK, and those figures rising, it's clear that maintaining a mobile home will become a task many of us will be tackling this summer.

So, whether you're spending a weekend in a caravan at your favourite campsite, taking a UK road trip in a campervan, or touring your way through Europe in a motorhome, we've got you covered. 

Here are some of our top tools and helpful gadgets to make your home away from home that little bit comfier.

Storage and cleaning 

When planning your caravan trip, a key factor in making the trip as relaxing as possible is making the most of the space that is available. Unless you happen to be blessed with an American behemoth of a mobile home – the kind that have multiple floors and take up multiple lanes at a time – then your caravan will likely be a bit smaller than what you are used to. With that in mind, you’ll want to make the most of the available space so you don’t feel cluttered or claustrophobic while you’re on holiday. 

Arnold Clark Autoparts has a few options to help in this regard. First, there is the Streetwise Collapsible Bucket – a fantastic piece of kit that adds storage when you need it and takes up no space when not being used. These are a must-have on any holiday – especially considering their affordable price. 

If you love the outdoors, but struggle fitting all your specialist equipment into your mobile home, the Velcro Easy Hang Strap, an easy and handy way to hang up your bulkier equipment, can be an absolute lifesaver. The easy-to-use strap can handle anything up to 40kg, so bikes, ladders, hoses, or anything you can imagine for an outdoor trip can be stored without any fuss. 

However, finding useful ways to store things isn’t the only worry when dealing with a limited amount of space. If you’re not careful, it can be very easy to get overwhelmed with clutter and rubbish. With that in mind, the Maypole Wastemaster and Wastehog Storage Bags are reliable, easy to use, and affordable quality – everything you need from a storage bag. Plus, for some hassle and cable free cleaning, you can’t go wrong with the Draper 20V Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner - this handheld tool makes cleaning tight spaces quick and easy. 


Of course, while you’re out and about enjoying the great British countryside, the last thing you want is for something important to break, malfunction, or just not work as intended. That’s why any caravaners should bring along handy tools to help with some on-the-spot repairs to make sure that you can get back from your holiday safely, or at least get your caravan to a local garage. With that in mind, having a set of reliable tools, such as the Draper 90 Piece Tool Kit, is an invaluable asset to any caravan holiday. Compact for easy storage and including all the most important pieces you need to keep your mobile home looking tip-top, the Draper Tool Kit is a must-have. 

When isolated, having your caravan feeling poorly can be a real pain, but having one of your family hurt in the wilderness could be an absolute nightmare. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have an effective first aid kit with you when you set off to explore in your trusty caravan. Something like the HSE First Aid Kit has everything you could need to offer immediate medical aid should anything happen while holidaying, such as dressing, plasters, and a first aid guidance leaflet. 

Of course, it’s not just mechanical or medical aspects you need to be prepared for; protecting your caravan from outside threats is just as important. Something like the Maypole Wheel Clamp, an effective way to discourage thieves while your mobile home is set up for longer periods, could save you a heap of heartache should someone try and pull a quick getaway with your home away from home. 

Finishing touches 

Now you have everything you need to keep your caravan safe and in peak condition, you can think about a few finishing touches to make your caravan holiday perfect. 

That means, of course, a fantastic BBQ to enjoy when the sun is out. And for a quality BBQ that is easy to pack up and maintain, you can’t go wrong with the Yoga BBQ Grill/Camping Cooker. This small but mighty BBQ grill is compact and runs off batteries or USB charge, can last for around two hours, and easily cooks for six people. So with this trusty grill, you’ll always be able to enjoy perfectly cooked sausages in the great outdoors. 

And finally, if you want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need for an outdoor caravan holiday, equipping yourself with the Cosmos 25501 Premium Motoring Travel Kit can offer you some peace of mind and cover you in case of any emergency. Including a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, wind-up torch, and even a bulb replacement kit, this travel kit has got your back no matter the case. 

With these useful gadgets and tools, you’ll be prepared for anything during your great British caravan adventures – so happy trails from Arnold Clark Autoparts! 

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